Essential Oil Gift Sets


Beautiful Essential Oil Roller with Amethyst Crystal Chips ..This Roller is made up

of Essential oils to help with Emotional wellbeing .. The lava Bracelet has Lepidolite Crystals on it which helps

with Calming and Releasing Anxiety

apply 3 drops on bottom of bracelet closer to the wrist as this assures the oils reach the blood stream quickly apply 3-4 times throughout the day when necessary .. Please read Meaning if the oils and their benefits   Oils are infused with 100% pressed liquid coconut oil …

also comes with laminated meaning and Always remember card …

HIGH  ANXIETY Comes with chakra chip Roller with A Lava and Crystal  Chakra Bracelet …

SOUL PROTECTION Comes with Roller with Obsidian Crystal Chips and hematite protection crystals on the lava bracelet …

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Emotional Wellbeing support, High Anxiety Support, Pregnancy support, Sleep Assist, Soul protection support